Rape of Dinah and the Revenge of Her Brothers
Dinah was curious about the young women of Shalem, so she innocently went to meet them.
Rape of Dinah and the Revenge of Her Brothers
God Judges Ananias and Sapphira
Bears Attack Children for Mocking Elisha
Cannibalism in Samaria
The Dismembered Concubine
Precious Stones of the Bible
Merry Christmas!
I Support Israel in This War
Bible History and Life Lessons
Developing Biblical Persistence in a Crazy Deviant World
Deborah, the Prophetess, and Judge
Christians Must Not Conform to Worldly Appetites
God Chose Abram's Descendants
Shepherds Watching Their Flocks by Night
Praise, Honor and Glorify God
Biblical Faith or a Feeling-Based Faith?
Which God Do You Serve?
Israel and Its Beginning
God Chosen Nation