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Have No Fear, God Will Never Fail You

Writer's picture: David Lee BrownDavid Lee Brown

“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Moses said this to his people on his 120th birthday. They were about to cross over the Jordan, and he told them that Joshua would lead them, because God said that Moses had to stay behind. Moses was preparing them for the trials and tribulations of the wars to come, as they took the land that God promised Israel. Trials and tribulation were also in store for them in the future through spiritual attacks. Satan, that old liar and deceiver showed them new temptations, religions and idols. They eventually fell into sin, and that can be easy if you let your guard down.

Satan’s been attacking me over the past few days. It started so simple, I caught a cold and while I was down he started kicking me – figuratively speaking. It takes no time to fall from your lofty heights on the mountaintop into the spiritual valley of pain and despair. I have an Almighty God though. He can strengthen me when I’m weak, give me courage to press on. His Holy Spirit is with me always and he will never fail me or forsake me. He is with me always, and with Him I need not fear anything.

I will press on for Him. I will follow Him and I will accept His will, while relying on His strength. This is yet another opportunity to serve my Lord and do everything in my power to follow his precepts that are clearly stated in His precious Word, the Bible. The thoughts and ideas of men are ever changing, sinful, errant and fallible, so I will rely on the perfect unchanging will of my Lord, revealed to me in His precious Word. I’m feeling a little downtrodden today, so please pray for me.

“Lord, please cleans me and heal me, in accordance with your will and to your glory. Make me the man you need me to be and strengthen me for your service – In Jesus’ precious holy name, Amen!”

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