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Moral Apostasy

“That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24

In this part of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he first shares that before we accept Christ as Lord and Savior, we are corrupt. Even if we have vast knowledge and education, “Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart.” Eph 4:18 In other words, these learned people may have vast knowledge, but their mindset is dark (wicked). They reject God because they don’t know God. Their hearts and minds focus on vanity, lasciviousness (overt and often offensive sexual desire) and greed.

Old Nature versus the New Nature

Then Paul states that we should “put off” this old nature. Paul describes this nature as the “old man” with its deceitful lusts. Paul asks us to renew in the spirit of our minds. In other words, accept Christ and all of His teachings as absolute truth. Then we become a new person, also called born-again. Paul puts it as, putting on the “new man” who strives for righteousness and holiness (purity or integrity of moral character). This integrity of moral character is what separates true born-again Christians from everyone else. That change from the “old man” to the “new man” should be sharp and distinct.

Christians are Saved, not Perfect

That doesn’t mean that Christians will not sin. It means when they do sin it hurts them, they feel horrible for what they did and try with all their might to repent (try to never do it again). We are human so we will not always succeed at this repentance, but we try, earnestly. If these characteristics are not present in a Christian, there is a problem.

The Problem (as I see it) in the World Today

Many “Christians” today have allowed secular morality to be their morality. They view what the world says is acceptable to be superior to what’s revealed in scripture. They feel fornication is okay, abortion is okay, homosexuality is okay, as well as, many other sins. Why do they feel it’s okay? Because our secular society has deemed it to be okay, or even celebrated it as wonderful and desirable. The fact that something becomes acceptable for a secular society, does not mean it becomes acceptable for Christians. We are called to a higher purpose.

Moral Apostacy in the Church

Apostacy is defined as a “falling away” from sound doctrine. The sound doctrine is based on the Bible alone. So, if it doesn’t reconcile with scripture, it’s wrong. I see a great falling away in Christianity today. Pastors and congregations accepting secular worldviews as superior or at least accepted behavior. Behavior that is clearly not acceptable in accordance with God’s Word – The Holy Bible. So, the moment that we accept secular morality, we fail God. We slip into moral apostasy. I’ve read about pastors sharing with their congregations that fornication is just fine. I’ve heard of pastors and priests applauding abortion and homosexuality as good things. The problem is, the Word of God reveals a different truth, the real truth. Sin is and always will be sin.

My Solution to this Apostacy

I’m not here to argue the merit of this new moral apostasy. I’m here to render a little advice. The pinnacle and stronghold of truth are the Holy Bible. It should be where our morality comes from. As Christians, we should hold ourselves to a higher standard. Even if that standard leaves us separated out of society, also known as “Sanctified” or set apart for sacred services. We are not part of this world. Therefore, we are only here to share the Gospel to give others the opportunity to have a relationship with God, the promise of Heaven after we die, and eternal life. Our true home is Heaven, not this world. We need to get back to Biblical morality.

Closing comments about Moral Apostasy

I love and appreciate everyone, specifically because everyone is a potential brother or sister in Christ. A cherished family member that is of like mind and purpose. I hold no animosity toward anyone. I just want what is best for everyone. I know many would ask, “Who are you to tell me what’s best?” Well, I’m not telling you what’s best. God through the truth of His Holy Bible is telling you what’s best. I’m just His messenger. So, as the old adage goes, “don’t kill the messenger.” I’m just sharing what God has already said. He’s been saying it for over 3,000 years and it is still relevant today.

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